The 14th World Rural Health Conference

The Australian College of Rural and Remote Medicine (ACRRM), in recognition of its leadership and success in championing rural practice, is proud to have been invited by the WONCA Working Party on Rural Practice to host the 14th World Rural Health Conference to be held in Cairns from 29 April – 2 May 2017. This important conference will be held in collaboration with the 14th National Rural Health Conference from 26 – 29 April 2017, as part of A World of Rural Health.

The WONCA 14th World Rural Health Conference is an international event that will see delegates from around the world exchange information on the latest developments and challenges in rural family practice and rural and remote health generally.

The World Organisation of Family Doctors (WONCA) is a not-for-profit organisation with 118 member organisations in 131 countries and territories. The WONCA Working Party on Rural Practice consists of up to 20 members with representatives from each of the world’s regions: Europe, Asia, Africa, North America, South America, Australasia / Pacific.

The WONCA Working Party on Rural Practice vision is health for all rural people around the world.

The conference expects 900+ national and international delegates to attend. These will include rural doctors, researchers and academics, teachers, doctors-in-training, medical students, policy makers and administrators from both the public and private sectors.

The program will feature streams based on themes most relevant to all rural and remote health practitioners. These include Social and environmental determinants of health; Leadership, Education and Workforce; Social Accountability and Social Capital, and Rural Clinical Practices: people and services.

The extensive program will include a wide range of plenary sessions and workshops, and a number of excellent keynote speakers have already been confirmed. It also includes clinical sessions to provide skills development and ongoing professional development opportunities.

The World Summit on Rural Generalist Medicine is to be held as a pre-conference event, and potential delegates are welcome to participate in this important optional event.

Please email for any detailed information required relevant to the WONCA 14th World Rural Health Conference in 2017 in Cairns.



A bursary fund exists for medical students, young doctors (in GP training program/Registrars/Resident – in first 5 years of GP practice) and doctors from developing countries, to assist with costs of attendance at the conference.



Supported by

Susur Sungai Kahayan

Palangkaraya, Indonesia

Susur Sungai Kahayan


Salah satu objek wisata yang menjadi andalan di Palangkaraya adalah Sungai Kahayan. Sungai ini adalah salah satu sungai terbesar yang ada di Pulau Borneo. Panjangnya sekitar 250 km dan banyak penduduk yang tinggal di sepanjang sungai ini. Salah satu wisata unik yang tergolong baru khas Palangkaraya yang sedang di gemari saat ini yaitu susur Sungai Kahayan. Anda bisa berwisata susur Sungai Kahayan ini berombongan.

Selama menyusuri sungai, Anda akan disuguhi dengan pemandangan khas hutan-hutan Kalimantan. Di sepanjang perjalanan Anda bisa melihat fauna khas Kalimantan yang tidak bisa ditemukan di tempat lain diantaranya orang utan, uwa-uwa, kera abu-abu dan bekantan. Selain itu, Anda juga bisa mampir ke tempat pemancingan atau situs sejarah dan habitat orang utan di Pulau Kaja. Rute wisata bisa dipilih sendiri sesuai dengan keinginan Anda.


Untuk menikmati wisata eksotis ini, Anda tidak perlu merogoh kocek dalam karena biayanya sangat terjangkau. Satu paket wisata untuk minimal 10 orang dibrandol dengan harga mulai dari Rp 750.000. Harga tersebut sudah termasuk makanan ringan dan fasilitas kapal wisata yang digunakan untuk menyusuri sungai. Kapal ini terbuat dari kayu besi, memiliki kamar tidur, AC, live music dan tempat bersantai.

Akses transport

Bagi Anda wisatawan jauh yang ingin menikmati alam khas Kalimantan ini tidak perlu bingung karena Pemerintah Palangkaraya telah berinisiatif membuat buku panduan wisata untuk para wisatawan.

Anda bisa menghubungi Dinas Pariwisata setempat untuk konfirmasi wisata susur Sungai Kahayan. Untuk menuju dermaga tempat perahu milik Dinas Pariwisata saat Anda sudah tiba di Palangkaraya, Anda bisa naik bis umum atau mobil sewa menuju Kantor DPRD Provinsi Kalteng, letaknya tak jauh dari situ.